Last year my dad took the boys in the family to Alaska for a week to fish, so this year my mom took the girls to St. George for a weekend. I know what you are thinking....this is so not even close to being fair. Although the boys did spend a lot more time away and a lot more money, we did the best we could with our circumstances.
We stayed at the Inn at Entrada, right near Snow Canyon, which made for amazing scenery, like this off our back patio.
We spent the first day at the spa - we each got to choose 3 treatments. I went with Heavenly Hair (which was exactly like it sounds!), a hot stone massage (A-MAZ-ING), and a pedicure. It was great to be pampered! That night we went out to a fancy dinner at the Country Club. I ordered a $32 steak and thoroughly enjoyed it! Here's all of us after we stuffed ourselves. 

We stayed up late that night playing games and talking and laughing. The next day was devoted entirely to shopping, which was fabulous! Then we ordered in Chinese Food and watched a movie.
It was such a great weekend and a wonderful time to spend with my mom, sister, and sister-in-laws. I especially enjoyed getting to be with everyone without having the interruptions that children always bring with them. We actually got to start and finish full conversations! It was especially nice for me to get away, considering what has been happening over the last few months. More on that to come.....stay tuned.