And not because I'm in love with Edward Cullen...but because I am so unbelievably tired from staying out until 3:15am last night! (Everyone knows I like Jacob more than Edward). If I was a vampire, I wouldn't need to sleep! The movie was a lot of fun, I'm glad I went, I'm way happy that I got to go with my roomies (Marie was there in spirit, and literally there...just 300 miles away in St. George). Even now, I'm having to think really hard about typing just to keep my eyes open. I'm having a hard time spelling words. It just reinforces in my mind that I am getting old! In college we used to stay up until 4am and then get up at 6 or 7 not just every once in a while, but every night. Now I can't function without at least 6 hours of sleep. Ohhhhh to be young again!
BTW - I liked the movie - I thought the characters were good. Bella was a little more assertive than I imagined her being in the book, but I liked her that way. My only issues were with Edward. That guy is just not cute enough to play Edward! Plus it bothered me that his accent kept slipping in and out. I know I'm picky, but that's my opinion! Plus - the pale make-up was a little much, especially on Carlisle!
Thanks Keara for getting the tickets! And thanks to Missy and Lane for coming along and making it such a fun night!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Isaac's slice of Heaven
Friday our playgroup went the the Firefighter Museum - and it was great! There are some neat things on display, but mostly the museum consists of a giant warehouse of old firetrucks. They gave the kids their own fire hats and then let them go to town climbing in, on, and around all the fire trucks. Isaac had such a great time! Jes's sister, Sunshine and her kids came to the playgroup, too - which was great because it gave Isaac a friend that could climb all over with him. (Isaac is the oldest in our playgroup by more than a year). Sam even had a great time. Here's a few pictures of the fun.
My Favorite!!!
Besides all the holiday stuff, this is my favorite time of year simply for this reason...

I love clemintines!!!! My friend Tami (she's actually my old boss, but she's more of a friend) turned me on to these while I was still working. I used to take 2 or 3 to work with me every day!!! Now, my family can polish off a whole bag/box in a week!
We bought our first bag at Costco yesterday....and I have fallen in love all over again!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally - the Halloween Pictures!
Ok - So I know it's been a while, but I am finally ready to post some pictures from Halloween. I know Janna will be happy that I've stopped neglecting the blog world! I have just been super busy the last few weeks. Young Women in Excellence will finally be over tomorrow! Yeah!!!!
No...I'm serious...he loved it!!!
Here's the finished product - a train and the traditional jack-o-lantern.
We also spent some time at my parent's house for a day or two while Jes had sales meetings in Ogden. The boys have so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house! They always spead toys around the WHOLE house. Since my Dad retired, he has been unpacking boxes of stuff that came from his office. Isaac found them and decided they would make a great train!
Sam has started really walking. In this picture, he's still doing the Frankenstein walk, but he's really good and doesn't use his arms to balance so much now! He's loving his new-found independence.
My parent's neighbor up the street grows giant pumpkins, and this year he grew the biggest pumpkin in the state! It's almost as tall as me!!!! A few days before Halloween, he carved it - and I couldn't resist getting a picture of my kids with it! Sam was facinated with it! He just kept looking inside it!
And finally, here's some pictures from Halloween night. Isaac dressed as Sully from Monster's Inc. (he calls it Monster's Bink), Sam was a dog, but he hated his costume! Jes supposedly dressed up as obsolete have to work at Hoyt to get it...but they were a cute group, and they definately got enough candy to last a while!
After we got home, the boys dove into their candy - and they got a little crazy and wild eyed! Our friends gave these glasses to the kids and they love to wear them!
Anyway - here are some highlights from our Halloween Festivities!
We went to the Pumpkin Walk - a community event near our house and the kids got to ride on a hay ride - they loved it! We ended up going back the next day with Jes to do it again!
There was also a hay maze that the kids had a great time playing in. Just in case you are wondering...Sam is not wearing capris...he is growing so fast now that it's hard to keep him in clothes that fit!
Sam really enjoyed the pumkin carving!

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