Thursday, January 15, 2009


Here are some more pictures to sum up what has been going on around here for the last little while.

I know that Christmas is long gone, but Sam's face is so funny in this picture.

Here's Isaac and our cute neighbor, Taylor, out sledding in the back yard.

Have you ever seen that movie "A Christmas Story" where the kid is so bundled up in his snow clothes that when he falls down he can't get back up? Well, that's Sam, except this picture is pre-Christmas, before he had any mittens to keep his hands warm. Even though he can hardly move in his snow clothes, he loves to play outside!We went to the Living Planet Aquarium and this is Isaac and his friend, Payton, driving the boat. Isn't Isaac so handsome!!!

Here's all the boys loving the fish tank.

This is my new favorite picture of the boys! They are getting to be best friends...and best enemies, but they are so much fun and I love being their mom!


Taylors6 said...

Man those ARE some handsome boys!

The Whitaker Family said...

What GREAT pictures, Sar! Thanks for putting them up... Looks like a blast and they are super handsome kiddos-- but what can you expect with such great looking parents? :)