Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I hope my husband will still love me!

A few weeks ago our ward did a talent show and the Elder's Quorum presidency did this cute lip sync to the Wiggles. Jes and I both thought it was so funny - so we voted for it to move onto our Stake's talent show. Little did we know that one of the guys wasn't going to be there that day...and guess who they asked to fill in???? Yes! Jes became a wiggle for one night only. They did the "Hot Potato" song, for those of you who know. They did it complete with the hot potato, the cold spaghetti, and the mashed banana! My only regret is that my camera is not that great, and I am not that great at using it - so the video I have does not do it justice!

Jes is the green one on the end.

I love you Jes!!! Thanks for being a good sport!


Doodlecraft said...

That is awesome! Doesn't it remind you of the olden days when we were crazy and did all manner of foolish things in front of a large audience? So, what color is Jes? I bet he was secretly glad that he got to do it...I would be! You guys are great!

Carly said...

If only Jes were a washed up celebrity. I'd try to get him onto Dancing With the Stars!

Shannon said...

Hilarious! Tate keeps asking me to play it again. He's a huge Wiggles fan, and he can't even tell the difference. Way to go Jes!

The Doutts said...

Jes did a great job. I'm glad our husbands could act like big goofs together!

porterpies said...

Sad I missed it!!!

Missy said...