Friday, December 19, 2008
I am still alive!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today I wish I was a vampire!
BTW - I liked the movie - I thought the characters were good. Bella was a little more assertive than I imagined her being in the book, but I liked her that way. My only issues were with Edward. That guy is just not cute enough to play Edward! Plus it bothered me that his accent kept slipping in and out. I know I'm picky, but that's my opinion! Plus - the pale make-up was a little much, especially on Carlisle!
Thanks Keara for getting the tickets! And thanks to Missy and Lane for coming along and making it such a fun night!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Isaac's slice of Heaven
My Favorite!!!

I love clemintines!!!! My friend Tami (she's actually my old boss, but she's more of a friend) turned me on to these while I was still working. I used to take 2 or 3 to work with me every day!!! Now, my family can polish off a whole bag/box in a week!
We bought our first bag at Costco yesterday....and I have fallen in love all over again!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally - the Halloween Pictures!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I have a 3 year old!!!!
Sam loved his lunch though!
After lunch came the presents - and let me tell you - it was crazy! All the kids were so excited about the presents, Isaac hardly got to see what the gifts were! I tried to get some pictures of him opening presents - but they all turned out like this.
After lunch we all (minus my mom) went to see Wall-E. We had planned to go to the zoo, which is Isaac's favorite thing to do, but the weather was too cold, so we compromised on the movie. No one really enjoyed Wall-E but the short film before it was hilarious! After the movie the party was over and all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents said their good-byes - and our little family decided it was warm enough for the zoo. So we forgot about naps and headed up to the zoo to take a quick trip for as long as the kids would last. I left my camera in the car, and I was so mad about it because it was a great day for the zoo. The kids had a wonderful time, and the animals were a lot of fun. Because the weather forcast for that day had been so terrible, there were only about 30 people at the zoo - so we were able to see everything in a little over an hour!
Sunday was Isaac's actual birthday. It was a little low key because we had done so much the day before, but Isaac thought it was great to get to celebrate again! I made pizza for dinner (Isaac's favorite) and then Grandma & Grandpa Allred came over along with some of our friends for cake and ice cream.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ummm...Where's my wallet?
It just goes to show you - blessings come from trying to do the right thing! If I had been buying anything else but my Ensign subscription this morning, I know that Mary wouldn't have been there at the exact moment I needed her.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fall Leaves
A very handsome, but grown-up looking Isaac
Me & Isaac
Me & my little men
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Do we have a chance?
Ok - so I can't figure out how to flip this video the right way - so if anyone knows - please tell me! But anyway...we went to a Country Fair last week and they had this big slide, which of course Isaac loved! He went down a bunch of times, but luckily this is the only one I got on video. If we send it to America's Funniest Home Videos do you think we would win?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Some of my favorite people
(Alana, Missy, Keara, Me, Marie)
I love them.
We're growing old together.
We'll be 70 soon taking this exact same picture...
...and we'll still be asking each other if we should do bangs or no bangs.
We'll still meet at restaurants...
...and one day we'll all order a soda with our meal.
We'll share our latest heartbreak and we'll try not to cry...
...and we'll secretly vow vengeance where needed.
We'll laugh and pretend like we're still in college...
...we'll flirt with the waiter then flash our rings.
And we'll remember that one time...
...when that one thing happened....
And we'll realize how some of our most compelling experiences...
...were while we were together.
And we'll always stick together...
And we'll always be different...
And we will always have each other.